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Legal Notice

Jeremy BENVENUTI, 14 Résidence les Candilelli, 20166 PORTICCIO - Corsica - France

Siret N ° 879 329 878 00018 - Code APE 9003A -

Jeremy Benvenuti is part of the "Maison des Artistes" in Paris.


All reproduction rights, even partial, are prohibited for any country. Article 112-1, paragraph 7 of the Intellectual Property Code considers as works of the mind, and therefore protected works, books, brochures, photographs, works of drawing, painting, sculpture, engraving and lithography. Reproductions or copies of these works performed without the consent of the authors are assimilated to counterfeits, and copiers and distributors may be penalized under article L 335-2 and following of the same code.

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